3 Convenient Locations

Norcross | Kennesaw | Fayetteville

Call our Experts (770)-242-0055

Call us at: +1 (770) 242-0055

Visit Our Stores:

North Store Norcross, GA
West Store Kennesaw. GA
Outlet Center Fayetteville, GA

View Map

Business Hours:

North Store - Norcross, GA

Tuesday - Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Closed Sunday & Monday

Please note Fayetteville and Kennesaw Storefronts have different Operating Hours
Atlanta Clearance event

Sale Hours

Thursday March 20th -

10am - 5pm

Friday March 21st -

10am - 5pm

Saturday March 22nd -


          Norcross Store        Kennesaw Store           Outlet Center

                  5074 Buford Hwy                   1200 Ernest Barrett Pkwy Ste 212                   630 SR 314 Ste 1011

                  Norcross, GA 30071                         Kennesaw, GA 30144                             Fayetteville, GA 30214



**This event DOES take place at our regular showrooms

***Picture is from a previous year sale


Instore Sale Specials

*Triple Value Instant Rebates*

Colonial Series - $350

Fatboy JR/XL - $400

Fatboy - $500

Lincoln / Classic Plus - up to $700

Presidential/Magnum-up to$1,200



Floor Model Closeouts at Kennesaw & Norcross Locations




Factory Second / Floor Model Closeouts

Exclusively at the Outlet Center




Used Safe Closeouts @ Outlet Center




*Rebates are only available for instore purchases and cannot be combined with other promotions and/or discounts.

See store associates for details


Delivery Available

We offer complete in home delivery services.  

These services are available for

an additional fee.

3-Days Only

Shop online or instore for a huge selection of discounted and clearance merchandise.

Instore deals NOT available online.


More Questions?

Please feel free to give us a call




What is the discount available at the Sale?

We have new, discontinued, scratch & dent & used safes for purchase at the sale. Discounts vary per model, size and condition of the safe at the sale and can range from 5% up to 50% off.

Can I find out a list of safes on Sale before the Event?

Due the nature of how fast this sale comes together every year, we cannot provide a full list of items available at the sale. Inventory and pricing change all the way up to the day the sale opens to the public as we work to get customers the best product and pricing selection available on the safes. We do provide sneak peaks on our Facebook page.

Is the Sale busy?

  • Yes. We are very blessed customers have come to know this event as the largest Safe Sale in the country. As such, there is a lot of participation in the event every year. We recommend if you are looking for a specific model of safe to come early to the sale.

Safe Pickup Information for the Sale

Pickups are completed by appointed at our warehouse. Dock Time Appointments are given at the time of purchase, and are on a first come, first served basis.



Can pickup appointments be made at a later time?

  • Yes you can pickup a safe after the sale. For customers wanting a later pickup date, our sales team will reach out to you within 14 days of the sale being completed to schedule a pickup dock time. Please note no pickups can be completed without an Approved Pickup time.

Is financing available on safes at the Clearance Event Sale? 

FInancing is not available on safes at the sale. We do offer mutilple options for payment at the sale including cash, checks & we accept all major credit card brands.

How many days do I have to take possession of my Safe?

  • We give customers 60 days from the date of purchase to have a delivery or pickup completed. We are always happy to work with customers on a case-by-case basis. Storage Fees will be applied to any safe at the warehouse longer than 60 days from date of sale.

Are we able to shop any remaining Inventory after the Sale?

  • No. Once the sale closes at 4:00pm on Saturday all shopping is closed. If you want to purchase a safe during the sale please make sure you come Thursday, Friday or Saturday during the sale hours.

What if you don't have what I'm looking for at the Sale? 

Don't see what you're looking for? No problem! We can absolutley check to see if we have the model you want in our regular non-sale inventory or already on order with the factory.
